TARABIOS develops advanced Point-of-care (POC) blood diagnostic systems and aims to offer an affordable, portable and simple to use diagnostics device for blood coagulation patient self-testing. TARABIOS's ultra-portable, battery operated hand-held device will enable patients monitor their coagulation time (PT/INR) at home and at their convenience. Patients will perform their tests just by a drop of blood using low cost disposable cartridges. The biosensor technology developed for the device is a mechanical measurement system based on fiber optics and is also a platform technology. This platform technology can easily be enhanced to screen minute quantities of blood or other samples accurately and rapidly.
TARABIOS is a spin-off from Koç University, which is one of the leading academic institutions in Turkey. Koç University belongs to the trust of Turkey's most successful industrial conglomerate, Koç Holding. Tarabios is also supported by İnventram which is the hi-tech investment company of Koç Group. Mitsui & Co. Europe, one of the largest investment groups in the world, is also a shareholder of the company. Inventram operates within the fields of intellectual property rights management, early stage equity investment, technology commercializations. It provides financial and management support for innovative ideas and projects coming from entrepreneurs and inventors.
TARABIOS has developed its working prototype after rigorous R&D work done at Koç University Labs for over 3 years. During this process two international patent applications are also filed. TARABIOS has also been funded by TUBITAK, the Scientific And Technological Research Council of Turkey.